Podstar - "Lovely 32"
Noisome Records

Mmmm. Another lovely local pop gem.

Podstar's latest release, Lovely 32 on Noisome Records, makes me both happy and sad. While continuing with the wonderful melodies that Podstar does so well, they band seems to have lost its rock.

The album, while exceptional, as well as quite beautiful, is simply much more sedate than Podstar's self-titled debut. It's still rock and roll, but I'm not quite sure I like it. While Lovely 32 has its rock moments, for the most part, it sounds like an album of love songs.

And, actually, it is. Songs like "Signed, Missing You", "Why I Said Goodbye", "Grow On You", and "I Love You" play like a relationship ending and a new one starting. Lyrically, I think it's better than Podstar's previous record, as well as more cohesive musically.

I won't deny it- I think the band has grown and matured musically. They're a much tighter unit, and the new sound fits the lyrics. While the album is good, it's just not something I can bring myself to like. I miss the rock.