Smokers are tougher. Non-smokers quickly run to get
out of the cold, rain, etc. Smokers will stand out in
a blizzard to finish their Lucky Strike.
Smokers have better stick-to-itiveness than
non-smokers. Non-smokers quit things all the time,
but smokers stick with things they
Smokers never gripe about people not smoking, yet
non-smokers seem to take pleasure in reminding them
that they will die of cancer.
Smokers cannot wait to meet their Heavenly Father.
Non-smokers seem to want to live on earth forever!
Smokers are willing to put up with everything from
negative campaigning to eternally long plane flights
without a smoke.
Smokers are easy to shop for – cigarettes, ashtrays,
and lighters will make them all happy.
Smokers are more willing to expand their horizons – if
their favorite brand is unavailable, they will simply
take something else. Non-smokers will drive twenty
minutes for their favorite brand of wheat bread.
Smokers support the American tradition and pride of
the tobbacco industry, while non-smokers seem to want
to see the industry fold and its dependants homeless
on the street, and their children eating rat meat.
At least they aren’t hooked on crack.