The most obnoxious and cliched streets in America today are the cul-de-sacs.
Those stupid little streets that dead end in a small circular drive.
 All the negative aspects of white 90’s suburbia are captured in these horrid little
avenues.  The residents have somehow deluded themselves into believing that their little
side streets are better than other neighborhoods, with their little systematic trees and
perfectly cultured lawns.  The Beaver Cleaver-electric lawnmower-Brady Bunch-white
picket fence-bullshit paradises are springing up all over the nation.
 And they’re so nice. Manicured lawns, a basketball hoop in every driveway, all
two-car garages, privacy fences, bay windows, the works.  And none of those problems
associated with the “white trash” or slum neighborhoods.  No drugs or crime or family
problems.  And if you believe that, you’re some kinda moron.
 In every cul-de-sac, you have one perfect family.  Then you have the spoiled rich
kids on pot or worse, the spousal or child abuse, the shoplifters, the wild satanic metal
heads - you people who live in or spend a lot of time in cul-de-sacs can back me up on
this.  They have just as many problems as the worst ghetto in America, they just get
sweetened up and masked in the cul-de-sacs.
 That’s like saying a guy didn’t rob a bank just because he was wearing a tuxedo.