Who says that psycho killers are neccessarily bad?  I
firmly believe that they're natural.  They're needed in the
     Every ecosystem on Earth has a predator to balance the
scales.  Mankind has been sitting contendedly at the top of
the food chain for far too long.  We have no natural
predators.  It's about fucking time something started
thinning us out.  AIDS and cancer can't kill us all.
     When a deer population in a certain area gets too
large, the state sends rangers out to kill a few, or
distributes extra hunting liscences.  Bambi gettin' in your
trash?  Cap his ass!
     But people, not deer or racoons or bears, are quickly
overpopulating the planet.  We're building houses on the
last unspoiled land, and scientists are looking at
colonizing the moon, Mars, and the sea floor.  What the
hell?!!!  Mother Nature wants the breathing space that's
been her rightful posession for billions of years, we say
"No way!  We need that land for a nicotene-inhanced tobacco
plantation or yet another cul de sac clone.  Sorry."  But
the second Man feels cramped, we start up the bulldozers.
     Personally, I think nutball murderers are great.  We
just need more.  They and terminal illnesses are the only
things keeping us from being so overcrwoded people are
falling off the planet.
     Survival of the fittest is natural!  If a man is
eighty-five and has been living on the streets since he was
twenty, he's a survivor.  Now say another man is twenty
eight, a self made millionaire, who gets murdered in his own
mansion by the poor man.  The vagrant said he did it 'cause
the rich guy had too much hair on the left side of his head.
     Don't arrest that man!  He should become the rightful
owner of the rich guy's stuff.  If the original owner had
wanted it bad enough, he would have had a better security
system or a gun in his hand. Tough luck, a weaker being was
just weeded out of society.  Let's face it, the poor guy
needed a house, he took it.  If the other fella'd needed
one, he would have worked harder to keep his.
     Maniacs are human predators, doing what's in their
nature to do.  People say, society's going bad!  Back in ott
six there weren't any pyscho killers."  Bullshit!  Ever hear
of Al Capone?  Jack The Ripper?  Jesse James?  The only
reason people are more aware of killers now is because of
the lightspeed media we have.
     And yes, there are more murderers now.  But we've got
nearly six billion people on this rock!  The population will
be doubled in a few years.  I'll lay you even money that the
number of guys with an Uzi and a Playboy under their coats
who still live at home with mother and feel that the world
"should pay"  will double too.  Good!


     Would you rather be responsible for bringing down the
greatest criminal genius in the world, or be the greatest
criminal genius in the world?
     Me, I'd go with be.  Why?  That's easy.  Better press
and more devoted followers.  All notorious criminals get
better publicity than the cops.  Can you name off the top of
your head the agent that captured Timothy McVeigh?  Or the
team members responsible for piecing together the World
Trade Center bombing?  Not even one?  Of course not!
     And think about this -- "going postal" is now an
accepted slang term for violent, berserk behavior.  Pretty
soon, someone who slaughters and eats their entire family
will be "pulling a Dahmer," and terror bombers will be
"going McVeigh."  It'd be great to have a violent action
nicknamed after you!