Choose Your Own Nuthouse

Section 90






            Your eyes snap ope..


            (ahem) Your eyes sn…


            (grumble) Your eyes…


            God damnit! Hit the snooze!


            There, that’s much better.  As I was trying to say, your eyes snap open to the sound of your alarm.  What the….?

            You glance at your clock radio in confusion.  8:30 AM.  You check your watch on the night stand and see that it is Friday.  Wha……?

            When you finally wake up enough to have a coherent thought you realize that everything that just happened to you (including the amazing cliffhanger on the last page) was nothing more than a dream.

            TODAY is the day that you are to leave for Beautiful Lake Doomhole™.  That must have been the last thought on your mind before you went to sleep, hence the dreaming about Beautiful Lake Doomhole™.  All the other weirdness…well, that might be due to the fact that in a quest to find something…anything…to eat last night, you made a sandwich with that REALLY old ham you found in the back of your fridge.  The odd thing is that you don’t remember ever buying ham. Weird.  Speaking of weird, whatever happened to that cheese you bought three months ago? Huh….

            Anyway, you are alive and healthy and have your bags packed and ready for your irresponsible party weekend at the Lake.  All the dream stuff should concern you a little bit, but it was just a dream.  That stuff couldn’t happen in real life.

            You grab your bags, leave your place, toss them in the car, and start off on your trip.  This is going to be the most memorable trip of your life!

So ends the Choose Your Own Nuthouse.  You’ve made it to THE end!


I’m sure at some point, there will be a Choose Your Own Nuthouse Part 2: Choose Your Own Revenge.

Cut us some slack though, this was work enough as it is.