Choose Your Own Nuthouse

Section 88


            "Bible Study, huh?" says Walt. "That's great! We love the Bible. It's how we govern our lives."

            "Oh, yeah," you reply. "Nothing like the Bible to tell you how to live your life. Yes, indeedy... I sure love me some Bible. Yessir."

            Walt and his family look at you oddly. You realize you may have gone a bit overboard with the whole "I love the Bible" thing you just said. But, there's no taking it back, so you figure you may as well keep it up.

            "Yep," you continue, "I'm just looking for a nice quiet place to hunker down and seriously study the Good Book. That's why I was headed to Lake Doomhole."

            "Really?" asks the boy in the backseat. "I heard Lake Doomhole was where young adults and teenagers went to do drugs, drink alcohol, and commit the sin of premarital relations. I heard they also smoke... cigarettes."

            You attempt to keep from blushing an incredibly deep shade of red and wonder how badly you reek of Camels.

            "That may be," you say. "However, I was going to go deep into the woods and sit in silent contemplation of God's word. None of that stuff is attractive to me at all. I like to live in accordance with God’s laws as much as a human being can. Yep… clean living."

            The family looks at you in what you take to be unmitigated awe. You think that you might have laid it on a tad thick. The family then looks at one another- an act that makes you nervous, as this means Walt is turned around in his seat, and paying no attention to the road whatsoever. Walt notices this, and pulls over to the shoulder of the road.

            “Family,” he says, “Do you hear what this young man says? He’s going into the woods to study God’s word, and he says that he likes living clean. This is just the sort of young man we’ve been looking for.”

            They’ve been looking for someone like that? Are you their messiah or something?

            “Yes, family… this is the sort of man who just makes me sick.”

            Um. Uh-oh.

            “Such a self-righteous little prick. So convinced he’s going to heaven, while a family that picks up drifters and videotapes their torture and eventual murder for profit is going to Hell.”

            Ohshit. You grab frantically for the door handle, but come up short when a heavy object bangs into your skull from behind. That wife has way more upper body strength than you would have given her credit for.

            When you awaken hours later, you’re strapped to a chair, which itself seems to be bolted to the floor in a basement somewhere. That “somewhere” that you assume is Walt and family’s house. There are suspicious stains all over the floor, and- more frighteningly- the walls. A table with an impressive array of tools, including a linoleum knife, meat-turning fork, ball-peen hammer, and tennis racquet sits nearby.

            When the door to the top of the stairs open, you hear Walt’s voice shout out “Well, I hope you’re a strong one…”