Choose Your Own Nuthouse

Section 72


            You lean closer to the window and concentrate.  Sure enough, it’s the whole Angel of Death thing.  Not good.  It would have been much better if this all could have been solved with a breath mint.  On the plus side, it would seem that you’ve found your betrayer on the first try. 

You frown, wondering if that is, in fact, a good thing.  Sure, you know who’s supposed to be betraying you, but you’re also no more than fifteen feet away from him and he’s begun sharpening a really threatening ax.  It’s the sort of ax that leaves no doubt as to what it is intended to cut.  People, that’s what.  This is an ax for cutting people.  Lots of people.  At once.  It’s the kind of ax that you’d see in an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer if the show aired on HBO with no budget limits and no concept of ‘crossing the line of good taste’.  You are feeling very uneasy about this ax.  You would feel uneasy about this ax if you were the one holding it because you have a feeling that the ax would, in fact, be holding you.  Whatever the hell that means.

You decide that getting the hell out of there would be a really swell idea.  You turn from the cabin and flee.

Hours later, you are sitting around the fire with Chris, Zorlath the Betrayer, Dave’s girlfriend, and several other people.  The hookah is being passed around, and the mountain of beer cans is growing steadily larger.  A gigantic bottle of Mezcal tequila is also being passed around.  You have pretty much forgotten about Dave and his unsettling ax.  You’ve also forgotten about the radio’s warning.

You have not forgotten what Dave’s girlfriend can do with a shoestring and a tube of KY jelly.  You shoot her a little look, and nod your head in the direction of the woods.  She smiles, and the two of you wander off into the woods to have loud, irresponsible, inebriated forest-sex.

Quite a while later, you and Dave’s girlfriend wander back into camp.  She has done the thing with the shoestring and KY, and you are both very satisfied.  Unfortunately, you are both going to pay for what you have done!  Little do you realize, but while you were nakedly frolicking in the forest, you rolled into a patch of poison ivy!  Soon your skin will erupt in horrible red irritation!  Let thy sins be displayed for the world to see, as an itchy rash! 

Also, Dave saw you.  He was on his way back to camp when he heard a noise and investigated.  Calmly, he proceeded back to camp, where he sat down to calmly wait.  As you get back, the rest of the group is wading out of the lake after a nice naked swim.  They stop, seeing Dave in his cloak, sitting by the fire with his ax across his lap.  You’ve never seen the cloak before.  It looks pretty good on Dave, you think. 

Anyway, they see Dave, who is seeing you.  You have Dave’s girlfriend’s panties on your head, and the telltale marks left from the shoestring/KY thing all over your body, which is mostly uncovered.  You lost all your clothes, save your boxers, in the forest.  Dave’s girlfriend is better off, having only lost her shirt, and one sock.  That’s odd in and of itself, because she never took off her shoes.

Suddenly, you remember the whole betrayal thing, and you say a bad word.

“Hello.”  Dave’s voice is steady and calm.  And dangerous.  Like HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  You wonder if you should disconnect his logic modules, but then realize that this has probably already happened, if the cloak and ax and cabin of pointy are any indication.  “It’s not what you think, Dave,” you say halfheartedly.  This tactic almost never works.  This time is no different.

“That tactic almost never works,” says Dave.  “And this time is no different.  I saw you two in the forest.  I saw what you were doing.  By the way, do you know that you were rolling in poison ivy?”

“Dammit.  I hate that stuff.”  You wonder if you have any ointment in the trunk.  You think it might be under the Oreos.  Mmm…Oreos.  Post-coitus Oreos would be great right now.

“Stop thinking about those fucking Oreos!  I ate your Oreos, all right?  They’re gone!  I broke into your trunk while I was waiting for you to come back, and I ate your damned Oreos!”

“You son of a bitch!  What gives you the right to take my stuff?”  Everyone, including Dave’s girlfriend, gives you approximately the same funny look.  Okay, stupid question, you think.  You try again: “How did you know I was thinking about Oreos?”  Everyone’s gaze shifts to Dave, who ignores the question.  “I know what must be done,” he states.  He stands, cloak billowing in the wind, and hefts his ax.  He lunges fearlessly through the fire at you and his girlfriend.  Nobody has any time to react, because he is almost inhumanly quick.  You feel the air disturbed in front of the ax’s arcing blade, and as it passes a hair’s breadth from your eyes you can see the blade in perfect clarity.  Time does that really weird thing where it slows down (isn’t that a mind trip, man?  Freaky!), and you have what seems ages to study it.  As it passes you, you turn your head to follow it.  The ax cleaves neatly through Dave’s girlfriend’s head.  At first you think it has just passed through her.  You think about the absurdity of this statement, and mentally amend it.  At first you think it passed through her without cutting her.  But then, after a few awkward heartbeats during which the small crowd of people tries to figure out what the hell is going on, a thin line of blood appears, circumscribing her head. 

She falls forward, the top of her head, from just below the eyes up, drops off.  There is nothing inside that should be inside a head.  There is no brain.  There is no large amount of blood, just what was in the skin.  There is not even a robot brain, which would have made a bit of sense, at least.

There is only the monkey.

The monkey is unscathed.  It shrieks furiously at you and Dave and monkey-runs into Lake Doomhole.

Dave sighs and sits down.  Nobody else moves.  Minutes pass.

<>“Can somebody get me a beer?”  Dave asks.  You do so.  The tension is broken, and the party resumes.  Dave just ignores any questions that might shed light on what the holy hell just transpired.  Eventually you just stop asking and start hitting on Chris’s girlfriend.


You aren’t dead, so be thankful for that, at least.  You’ll probably have some pretty messed up dreams for, oh, the rest of your natural life though.
Oh, but you do get the clap from Chris’s girlfriend.

Better than brain monkeys, though.


Go back to the Section 33 and try again.